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Hemphillia dromedarius Branson, 1972
Dromedary Jumping-Slug
Family: Arionidae
Species account author: Robert Forsyth.


© Kristiina Ovaska     (Photo ID #2551)


E-Fauna BC Static Map

Distribution of Hemphillia dromedarius in British Columbia in British Columbia


Jumping-slugs are a small group of slugs endemic to western North America. They are relatively large (ca. 60 mm long) slugs with a distinctive appearance (a pronounced hump). The tail is laterally compressed, keeled, and tipped with a horn-like protuberance (caudal horn). The sole of the foot is often bright yellow or orange. This species is found from sea level up to 1060 m in older coniferous forests.

Species Information

A medium-sized slug; grey with cream mottling; dorsal hump/mantle nealry black to yellowish, densely with blue-black and grey; end of tail with a fleshy ?horn?.




NW North America

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)
NativeS2RedT (May 2014)

BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.

Additional Notes

Recommended Reading

Forsyth, Robert G. 2004. Land Snails of British Columbia. Handbook. Royal BC Museum, Victoria.

Additional Range and Status Information Links

General References